The Sheep's Back Museum

History of Wool on the Limestone Coast

A new broom?

We are the proud owners of some new cleaning and gardening tools thanks to a Federal Grant. Supported by the Australian Government’s Culture, Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism (CHART) program

Friends at the Museum

Q: How do you keep small hands off big railway models? A: Put Thomas and Friends within easy reach!

Train Training

The museum is establishing a railway modellers group to learn about, demonstrate, and document the new model railway layout. Contact the Visitor Information Centre on 8762 1399 if you are interested,

We need Dummies!

We have a project to photograph our extensive collection of fashion and uniforms, so we can provide public access to a virtual Gallery. We need more dressmaking dummies to speed up the process. If you have a dressmaking dummy collecting… Continue Reading →

What will this be?

The Men’s Shed have delivered the latest piece for the Children’s Museum, but it is not finished yet… Can you guess what it might be? Unfortunately, being an interactive gallery of the Museum, COVID regulations require the entire Children’s Museum… Continue Reading →

Further Interest in the Rail Layout

Rail enthusiast Trevor Gibbs and his wife Vivien drove from Melbourne to photograph and write a story on our new exhibit for Railway Modeller Australia.

Modellers Star in Opening of New Exhibit

Members of the South Australian Railway Modellers Association Inc. assisted in dismantling, transporting and re-assembling Lindsay Baker’s extensive model railway layout, And then they brought a second one along just for the Opening of the Exhibit. The 10 metre display… Continue Reading →

On Track at the Museum

Come and see the whole set-up. 10am Saturday 6th March 2021 is opening day for the new model railway donated by the late Lindsay Baker. On the same day, the South Australian Railway Modellers Association will show a 10 metre… Continue Reading →

Preparing the Children’s Museum

The Opening by The Governor will be on Saturday 20th February 2021 at 10am. This week there is a flurry of activity by the volunteers to put the new gallery in top shape for the day. It will feature many… Continue Reading →


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