The Sheep's Back Museum

History of Wool on the Limestone Coast

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The wool industry and the environment

This gallery contains information about the industry’s impact on the environment. Footprints is found on the third floor of the Simpson’s Flour Mill Building. Sections include: The pastoralists The government steps In Barely time Living the extreme A time of… Continue Reading →

Pallants woolshed

A building that is, of itself, a museum object, that tells the story of a small landowner in this region.

The changing living and working patterns of farming families

In Gallery 3, you will find information about how people lived. A living from the land is found on the second floor of the Simpson’s Flour Mill Building. Sections include: The heart of the farm Self sufficiency If you haven’t… Continue Reading →

The windmills

Underground water is the region’s lifeblood. The sight, and sound, of windmills was once a background to farming here.

Hynam Post Office

Another building which is itself a museum object. This tiny post office and house, served by the McLean family, was the nerve centre of the Hynam community for more than 100 years.

Redgum Country

The mighty redgums of this region were a pointer to the most productive land, and provided shelter to the Aboriginal owners, and buildings, fences, transport, firewood, to the European settlers.  

The Baitlayer

The ‘water burner’, ‘cookoo’, ‘silly look’, ‘baitlayer’, and ‘babbling brook’, … all names used to describe, not always kindly, the long-suffering shearer’s cook. In the smaller southern woolsheds the property owner’s wife usually cooked for shearers. Women would bake for… Continue Reading →


The economics of horses, and bullocks, in powering the farm operations and transporting people and produce. This continues in the ‘Open Shed’.

Agricultural awakening

This district was the forefront of pasture research for many years, largely through the nearby Kybybolite Research Centre, and an enterprising farming community. This story is told through the equipment they used.

Stock & Station Agent

From the start, Stock and Station Agents were a vital part of the process of running a property, large or small. While their primary purpose was to arrange for the buying and selling of stock and land, they often also… Continue Reading →

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